Storm Drains connect Streets to Creeks
Every property owner and tenant has the responsibility to manage storm water on their property. Liquids or materials can be transported by rain, locally supplied water (i.e. sprinklers), or wind to a street, gutter, parking lot, or storm drain. If over applied, spilled, or disposed of improperly, constituents such as bacteria, sediment, nutrients, organic matter, surfactants, disinfectants, and suspended solids can be harmful to water quality and creek habitats. It’s important to follow Best Management Practices (BMPs) for any activities that might cause water to go down a storm drain. Simple changes make a big impact.
Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Commercial and Business General BMPs
Apartment Complexes
Auto Body Repair
Auto Detailers
Auto Parts Store
Auto Repair Shops
Car Washes
Carpet Cleaners
Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning
Concrete Transport and Delivery
Concrete Work
Dental Offices
Gasoline Stations
Home Improvement Center
Hotels and Motels
Landscape Delivery
Mobile Auto Detailers
Mobile Food Trucks and Carts
Mobile Pet Groomers
Mobile/Portable Power Washing
Pet and Feed Stores
Pollution Prevention
Portable Toilets
Power Washing
Stone and Tile Cutting
Temporary Erosion Control
Wineries, Breweries, and Distilleries