The San Rafael watershed covers 11 square miles. The creek and its tributaries start in Sun Valley above the Tamalpais Cemetery and along the San Rafael Hills. They quickly reach the city and begin to exhibit the typical characteristics of highly urbanized creeks. Many of them have been channelized and long sections have been routed under the city in culverts, especially Mahon Creek coming in from the Gerstle Park neighborhood in the south, and Irwin Creek flowing down from the north along Lincoln Avenue and the freeway.
Irwin Creek is joined by two creeks flowing from the east side of the freeway. Black Canyon Creek begins near the ridgeline of the San Pedro Mountain Preserve and flows down along Mountain View Avenue and through the Dominican University campus. There are trailheads at the top of Mountain View Ave. where you can walk alongside the creek and even see a waterfall after larger rain events. Sister’s Creek begins above Gold Hill Grade in Harry Barbier Memorial Park and flows down along Locust Avenue and Palm Avenue before crossing under Grant Avenue. The two connect just before crossing under Hwy 101 and joining Irwin Creek.